Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Textual Anylisis Of The Last Exorcism

The film is told from the perspective of a disillusioned evangelical minister, who after years of performing exorcisms decides to participate in a documentary chronicling his last exorcism while exposing the fraud of his ministry. After receiving a letter from a farmer asking for help in driving out the devil, he meets the farmer's afflicted daughter.

The props used are that to also signify the location of were the film is set. tyre swings hanging from a tree, cars driving on the right
side of the road, houses run down made out of wood. these are all connotations and signifier of the film being created and filmed in America.The iconography items used in this trailer are those of old holy scriptures and books, Jesus crosses and cats. These all have some type of mystery and idea of evil behind them as well as good.

Within the trailer a lot of mid shots and close ups are used, a lot of scenes are put together to create a montage of 1 topic or subject at hand.P.O.V's are also used within this trailer to represent and show the seriousness of what's going within the film. Subjective Filming is also used to create macabre scenes and sways the audience in to feeling and thinking as though there in the same ordeal as the character/actor. This is important within Horror as it heightens the entertainment factor of the film also adding and giving more of a thrill to the audience.

The preferred meaning that the creator's of this trailer have tried to enforce on there target audience are that there is one form of evil and Satanism within the world we live in today the tailors been created to put viewers on edge of there seats.
This film trailer once again follows the conventions of the majority of horror film's, made to entertain and offer social interaction the the viewer. it also can offers some form of identification, as some viewers may be very religious and feel that the happenings within the film are very real and something they have either experienced or seen before. The different representations of groups given within the trailer are mainly religious people. There represented as something wrong and evil, Preachers/Pastors are represented as liars and fake.

The editing done within this film is very quick and pacey using 10 cut shots within the first 16 seconds of the trailer.the continuity and editing has been arranged in a subjective filming, so the way each scene merges in to each other is as if a camera recorder's tape has finished or cut out. The montage sequence has been created using loads of quick scenes of holy scriptures, Bible's and crosses. this adds fear and tension to the viewers watching the trailer. the trailer also uses non-diagetic audio's to haunt and also scare the viewer. There is also a voice over to add more depth in to what the film trailer is about.

The Genre is Horror and the sub genre is religion with a mix of the supernatural tied in. The film toys with the reality and non reality of religious good figures and bad.

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